The First Mennonite Church Mission statement reads that we are an Anabaptist Christian community called by Christ to Follow Jesus and his teachings in our daily life; Serve others in word and deed; Bring people to God and reconcile with each other through the Holy Spirit, demonstrating evangelism and peacemaking.
Our Vision: Seeking God’s leading, we will give priority to: Embracing all of God’s people; Empowering our leaders; Encouraging each one’s gifts; Enhancing our care giving; Extending outreaching hospitality.
This congregation identifies itself as a doing church, serving God and the community through Mennonite Central Committee and many ministry projects including the ReUse It Center, German suppers, meat canning, Oak Cottage housing for homeless, and recently a Blessing Box of food and items for anyone to use.
The First Mennonite Church of McPherson is a member of Mennonite Church USA. The Mennonite Church USA is one of 20 groups of North American Mennonites with varied lifestyle and religious practices, which all stem from the Anabaptist (“baptized again”) movement of the 1500’s. Today Mennonites worship in 61 countries. Mennonites believe that Jesus Christ is central to worship and to everyday living and that to be Christian is to follow Christ’s example.
First Mennonite Church, McPherson, organized in 1945 with help from Western District Conference and 38 charter members from surrounding areas and McPherson. They chose the name First Mennonite Church of McPherson and soon built the church. In 1963 this church burned and another church was built in 1964 at Maxwell and Avenue A. Now 35 attending believers worship God together and enjoy fellowship.